Note: Poor image quality due to a lack of a surviving full-resolution postcard image

"Great, you wanna come see all the toys? Most are in fine- to mint-condition. Oh yeah, I'm Sparkey. Pleased to meetcha! We can play together."WizMo's Workshop: Dragons of Frozzbokk intro

"Sparkey is J.J. Dragons's [sic] 'twin' brother"Advertising blurb from the Magna Toy online catalog

Sparkey is very similar in size and appearance to JJ, missing only her eyelashes, tuft of yarn hair and bow. His largest plush size is 11" tall. Smaller beanie versions of Sparkey appear much more common than his full-size plush. In WizMo's Workshop: Dragons of Frozzbokk, Sparkey is a playful young dragon with a burgeoning interest in toy collecting and a slight Minnesota accent. It is as of yet unknown whether this aligns to his personality as established in the original line of plushes.
